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Liquid Management Yachts

Our Story

Why design and build our own boat? Why not simply purchase a ship from an established supplier? Internationally, there are a dozen companies that build 55 to 75 feet yachts, that are capable of crossing oceans, and that can be managed by a couple. In fact, every year close to 100 of such boats are built and delivered to people all over the world.

But while over 1,500 of such boats are currently in use, maybe only one per year actually crosses an ocean! Why? Why buy a boat that can negotiate oceans and not use it for its intended goal? It turns out that crossing an ocean in a traditionally designed motor yacht is an uncomfortable, expensive, and uncertain affair.

And that is why we designed the LM65h. We wanted long distance passagemaking to be comfortable, efficient, and safe. That’s our story. That’s the story behind Liquid Management Yachts. That is the story each and every one of our designs tells. How the LM65h came to be, and how it is our mission to make passagemaking easier accessible to more sailors and skippers and adventurers around the world!

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Our boat - The LM65h More info

Who we are

We are Edwin and Veronika van Eijk. With the kids leaving the nest and our businesses doing well, a long-lived dream slowly came back into focus. The dream of the two of us exploring the world on a motor yacht.

As inventors and entrepreneurs, we have always thought outside of the box. With new inventions, we were able to bring a completely new technology to the distilling industry, for example. Based on first principles thinking, from a perspective that less is more, and with a thorough understanding of how technology enhances functionality, we design machines that are an order of magnitude more efficient and effective than what was available.

When we started to investigate what boats would serve us well, we were astonished to learn how uncomfortable, how inefficient, and how complex motor yachts had become.

The more we studied, the more we realized that we might be able to do a better job ourselves. That – with our background in machine innovation, industry disruption, and our understanding of functionality improvement – we might be perfectly placed to design and build our own ship.

What we find wrong in current yacht design

Diesel fuel is an abundant energy source. If you build a bulkier ship, well, just increase the size of your engine, push more fuel through the lines, and you can compensate.

This energy abundancy has led to an inside out approach to motor yacht design. Do you want an additional room? Do you want another deck? Do you want a walk-in closet? Crew cabin? Asked like that, who would say no? But this inside out approach comes at a cost.

Current motor yacht design is plagued by poor underwatership design. Boats are too bulky, too wide, too sturdy, too high above the water, and sit too deep in the water. As a result they bob over waves, rather than cut through them. Modern yacht design is complex, prioritizes harbor comfort over sea comfort, and leads to very high operational costs.

Our philosophy: Liquid Management

We design our explorer yachts outside in. Prioritizing the underwatership over interior space creates a more comfortable, economical, and a safer motor yacht.

As a boat travels through the water, it needs to manage the liquids it encounters. Liquid Management, that’s what we call it. A bigger boat disturbs more water than a smaller boat, in general. But not all underwater-ships are designed equal. Some move through the water more efficiently than others.

Our research taught us that ships that are lower in profile do not sway as much as higher profile ships with more decks. The wind simply does not have as much grip on the lower profile ship. That’s why Liquid Management Yachts have a low profile.

We also learned that the deep draft, needed to compensate for the high profile of so many traditional yachts, comes at a price. Wave-induced sway and a higher risk of broaching are but two. Liquid Management Yacht’s low profile allows for a shallow draft and better wave management.

A wide and deep ship displaces more water than a narrow and sleek design. We learned that a length to width ratio of 4:1 and a width to draft ratio of 4:1 are ideal for optimal liquid management. That’s where the water the boat moves through follows the hull-lines, instead of breaking away from it, causing disruption and augmenting drag. An optimized liquid management designed underwatership results in a more efficient, more comfortable, and overall safer boating experience.

The experience that invites you to cross oceans!

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